Table of Contents

What Are Stem Cells?
In this chapter Dr. Gaviño and Dr. Romero explore the basic of biology and explain, in simple words, what is a Stem Cell and the different types of Stem Cells there are.

Sources of Stem Cells
The questions that surface most often in the field of stem cell therapy and research are: Where do scientists obtain the stem cells from? Where do stem cells reside in the human body? This chapter will be dealing with these questions in as much detail as possible.

Why Stem Cells Are Preferred for Therapy
A question that arises in the minds of many would be ‘why are stem cells favored for replacement or regeneration therapy?’ Why not other types of cells? If the body has so many cells to choose from then what makes stem cells so special?

The Process of Stem Cell Therapy
This chapter will be highlighting the different methods by which stem cells are collected, the various sites at which they reside, and different modes of their administration to the patient.

Alternative Treatment Regimens
This chapter goes through certain alternative treatment regimens which will augment the process of stem cell therapy as they help in the maintenance of a healthy mind and body.

Different Approaches of Medicine
This chapter will go through certain alternative treatment regimens which will augment the process of stem cell therapy as they help in the maintenance of a healthy mind and body.

Indications and Contraindications for Stem Cell Therapy
In this chapter Dr. Romero & Dr. Gaviño explore the criteria to determine who is the right patient for Stem Cell Therapy and who should not choose stem cell therapy for their condition.

Therapeuric use of Stem Cells for Degenerative Conditions
This Chapter describes the process of stem cell therapy for degenerative conditions, it is important to mention that they are not the only ones that can benefit from stem cell therapy and since this is a science, it evolves continuously:

Other uses of Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy research and its incorporation into mainstream medicine has really changed the whole treatment spectrum for a variety of diseases, particularly degenerative ones. On the other hand, stem cells have also made their way into the fields of aesthetics cosmetology and plastic surgery.

Pharmaceutical Dispute
This chapter explores the current state of affairs on the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry and out perception from continuously attending several medical conferences in the world.

When to consider Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy is not for everyone and in some cases is possible to know before hand if the treatment will offer a substantial benefit for the patient. This chapter helps you gather the information needed to know if Stem Cell Therapy is right for you.

Stem Cell Case Studies, Graphs & Charts
In this chapter Dr. Gaviño & Dr. Romero share some cases of patients that have benefited from Stem Cell Therapy.

The Future of Stem Cells
This chapter is devoted to explore and analyze the near future of Stem Cell Therapy in the world. From regulations, to advances and technology and also what not to expect in the next years.

A Guide on how to find the right Stem Cell Treatment clinic
Learn which questions to ask and learn how to choose the best Stem Cell Treatment Clinic with this practical guide compiled by Dr. Romero & Dr. Gaviño.
Clear and precise about the current state of Stem Cell Treatment
Detailed and insightful, and extraordinary guide for patients considering Stem Cell Therapy.
I love how Dr Romero and Dr. Gaviño so easily put medical concepts into terms regular people can understand.

A word from the author
Jorge Gaviño, MD
This book is intended for patient’s early adopters of technology. Patients that have tried traditional medicine and have not gotten the expected results. Patients tired of swallowing a pill every day, to control one disease but increasing the risks factor on another organ, or getting a secondary effect that is harmful in the long run.
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